Always dusting, always vacuuming up crumbs. Ah, the life of a mom. I have so many things on my mind and I figured why not blog! It will be honest, sometimes funny and it will be raw.

Friday, January 31, 2014

It's Friday, so what.

The weekend doesn't mean the same anymore.  Sure, I don't have to do homework with the kids (well, sometimes), but I don't get adult time either. It's the winter.  I can't sit on my patio to escape and relax.  

Tonight the kids are sleeping at a friend's house because I have to leave my house at 7:30 tomorrow morning for a HOT date!  Odyssey of the Mind Judge's training in East Stroudsburg.  I'm doing this for R.  He loves OM.  So I have a kid-free Friday night and I will probably watch Netflix.....and drink.  

I'm slowly learning my flaws when it comes to dating. I'm too f*cking nice. My friend S keeps telling me "Men love bitches.  They love to be treated like shit."  I don't agree, but who knows, maybe she is right?  I won't lie, I love taking care of a man.  I like to have the house clean, laundry done, dinner made, grass cut, etc. all so he can come home from work and relax.  Again, finding someone worthy is the trick.  

I guess the one thing my ex did (when not having extra curricular activities) was spend the majority of his time with me.  We did everything together.  We were best friends.  It was nice.  My first relationship after my marriage ended was the same way also.  Now I'm finding most men want their cake and to eat it.  They don't want to sacrifice any of "their" time to invest into a relationship.  Sure, couples should have time to do their own things, but you have to put some effort into keeping your partner happy.  

The thing that worries me the most about spending all this time without a partner is that the men I have met who have been alone for some time, tend to like to be alone.  I don't want to get like that!!!  

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.  Be safe & Stay warm!


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